Tanzania Early Childhood Development Network (TECDEN) was found in December 2000. It was formally registered on 30th June 2004 with registration NO:00NGO/00007826 by the Registrar of Societies, Ministry of Home Affairs under the societies' ordinance, 1954 and re- registered in 2015 and 2023 consecutively under NGO Act with registration NO:00NGO/R1/00178. The re-registration aimed to position the Network to operate within existing ECD landscape in the country. Among the objectives one is “…to develop and maintain an active ECD network through strong institutional links between ECD related organizations”. What started out as the inter Organizational Committee naturally developed into the formation of the national network of ECD stakeholders now known as TECDEN.
TECDEN is determined to collaboratively work with other networks, coalitions, institutions, the private sectors, the government, development partners and other potential stakeholders to influence policies, programs and practices related to Early Childhood Development (ECD). This can be achieved through sharing of information, experience and generating knowledge; and understanding of ECD; and work towards early investments in young children of 0 – 8 years in Tanzania.
TECDEN coordinates non-state actors across the Country with Network members of about fifty-three (53) Regular members, fourteen (14) strategic members and forty-five (45) affiliate members. TECDEN works with key ECD Ministries across all five Nurturing Care framework domains: Ministry of Community development, Gender, Women and Special Groups (MOCDGWSGs), President Office- Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG), Ministry of Health (MOH), Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA) and Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), Ministry of Education Science and Technology (MOEST), Ministry of Finance (MOF). TECDEN is strategically engaging the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MOPI) to help increase investment in the ECD sector.
TECDEN is the Co-chair to the Ministry of Community Development, Gender, Women and Special Groups for National Multisectoral Early Childhood Development Program (NM-ECDP 2021/2022-2025/2026) Coordination Mechanisms including NM-ECDP Secretariat Group, National ECD Stakeholders Group and the National Technical Committees.
TECDEN Geographical Coverage